Are you an EU project coordinator or representative working on circular fertilisers? The FER-PLAY Coordination team, CETENMA, will celebrate a networking activity as a free side event of the NERM24 conference.
Mark your calendar and join us on 15 April 2024, from 15h30 to 17h30 (CET) either at the European Committee of the Regions (Rue Belliard 99/101, 1040 Brussels; Room JDE 2253) or online.
Expected takeaways
- Expand your networking contacts,
- Improve your knowledge of similar projects,
- Take advantage of business and mutual dissemination opportunities,
- Explore new avenues for maximising the impact of projects.
The programme of the “Have your say with FER-PLAY” workshop foresees the following points:
Time | Activity |
15:30-16:00 | Strengthen relations (over a coffee): Who is who? Who is doing what? |
16:00-16:15 | Knowing FER-PLAY: main results shared and expected + Q&A. |
16:15-16:30 | Business opportunities for successful circular fertilisers value chains: the HOOP view + Q&A. |
16:30-16:50 | Avenues for mutual dissemination and/or exploitation. |
16:50-17:10 | Maximising impact: conjoined future events and C&D activities. |
17:10-17:30 | Closing words and suggestions (keynote speaker TBD) |
Registration is already available on the NERM website as a single event for free or as part of the whole conference. Online connection is possible, but in person attendance is encouraged.
The FER-PLAY project is keen on collaborating and joining forces with similar projects and initiatives both at EU and national levels. “Have your say with FER-PLAY” is one the many activities encompassed by networking and clustering efforts, with the main goal of maximising results. The reader can find a list of the almost 50 fellow initiatives in Annex 1 of “D2.4 Clustering with sister projects: first outcomes”, and a resume of already identified collaboration opportunities in Annex 2.