
Find all our resources in one place: Reports, factsheets, databases, co-creation guidelines, sustainability and regulatory assessments, policy briefs, and more. All resources produced for FER-PLAY are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution.

FER-PLAY database

The database contains information of 61 different value chains derived from 7 secondary raw materials (urban…

NOVAFERT database

Includes data from 76 value chains sourced from six secondary raw materials. It covers technology maturity,…

Life Cycle Inventories of Industrial Waste Water Struvite

This dataset contains the Life Cycle Inventory of producing and using IWW struvite as a circular…

Life Cycle Inventories of Feather Meal

This dataset contains the Life Cycle Inventory of producing and using feather meal as a circular…

Life Cycle Inventories of Solid Fraction of Digestate from Sewage Sludge

This dataset contains the Life Cycle Inventory of producing and using solid fraction of digestate from…

Life Cycle Inventories of Solid Fraction of Digestate from Manure

This dataset contains the Life Cycle Inventory of producing and using solid fraction of digestate from…

Life Cycle Inventories of Solid Fraction of Digestate from Food Waste

This dataset contains the Life Cycle Inventory of producing and using solid fraction of digestate from…

Life Cycle Inventories of Urban Wastewater Struvite

This dataset contains the Life Cycle Inventory of producing and using struvite recovered from urban wastewater…

Life Cycle Inventories of Stabilised Sewage Sludge

This dataset contains the Life Cycle Inventory of producing and using stabilised sewage sludge as a…

Life Cycle Inventories of Compost

This dataset contains the Life Cycle Inventory of producing and using compost as a circular fertiliser.

Life Cycle Inventories of Spent Mushroom Substrate

This dataset contains the Life Cycle Inventory of producing and using spent mushroom substrate as a…

Pioneering Sustainable Fertilisers for a Greener Future

Circular Fertilisers: Safety, Benefits & Market Readiness

Evaluating Circular Fertilisers for a Greener Future

What Are Circular Fertilisers?

Facilitating the Uptake of Circular Fertilisers

Infosheet – EN

Presentation PPT Template – EN

Banner – 85×200 – EN

Banner – 70×160 – EN

LCA infographic

Poster – EN

Leaflet – EN

D4.3 Post-project Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Plan

D4.1 Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Plan

D3.4. Preliminary outcomes from the co-creation processes

D3.3. Recommendations for Public Administrations

D3.2. Guidelines for fertiliser producers

D3.1 Guidelines for Fertiliser End-users

D2.4. Clustering with sister projects: first outcomes

D2.3. Clustering with sister projects: outcomes & lessons learnt

D2.2. Multi-assessment of impacts, trade-offs and framework conditions

D1.1 Comprehensive overview on circular fertiliser value chains

Application of a practical methodology for the selection of suitable value chains to produce circular fertilisers from secondary raw materials

From House to Farm: Life Cycle Assessment of Sewage Sludge as a Circular Fertiliser at Regional European Level

Strategies to Enhance the Commercialization of Circular Fertilizers – Fertilizer Focus

Fertiliser Efficiency and Main Effects on Soil after Compost Use

Environmental and Economic Life Cycle Impacts of Using Spent Mushroom Substrate as a Soil Improver

Alternative Düngemittel Fördern

Circular Fertilizers for Healthy Soils – Fertilizer Focus

Cocreazione di Condizioni per l’Uso di Fertilizzanti Alternativi – ACER QUALITY